How easy is it to change accountants should we want to move to you?

There can be reasons why even a startup business feels that it’s the right time to Change Accountants. To give your business the right direction, switching to a new Accountant can be the first step. The process of switching your Accountant can be simple. The entire process of changing your accountants can be achieved with the least fuss, effort, and distraction to your business.

Let’s check out the main reasons to switch accountants.

When organisations switch their accountants, it is mainly due to the growth and fluctuation of their business. However, it can even happen when the accountants enhance and fluctuate their services. Therefore, if you think of switching accountants, you need to ask yourself the following queries before changing Accountants!

Do they analyse the requirements of your organisations?

It is essential that your Accountant fully understands what your business requires and the plans for future growth. Any misunderstanding can lead to miscommunication between you and the Accountant. Thus at this time, you need to think about changing to Change Accountant!

Are your tax returns filed in the appropriate time duration?

Asking you to drop everything to move towards a tax return is not acceptable- it distracts you from your work and majorly enhances your business.

Has your business overshadowed your accountants?

Business growth is one of the significant reasons to move ahead with accountants. However, at first glance, your accounts are getting highly complex for your accountants to manage their time to look somewhere else.

Has your Accountant outgrown you? 

It’s time to think about Changing Accountants! In most cases, it might be the case that your Accountant has grown so much that they can’t give you the attention you need. If you begin to feel this, it’s time for you to move on!

Now when you have asked yourself the above questions, you need to consider a few aspects while changing the accountants:


The process you follow to Change Accountant should be quick. Generally, this will occur when there is little activity. However, as soon as you have decided, you need to carefully analyse the most suitable time for the handover between your previous and the new Accountant.

Ensure financial responsibility is discharged.

Ensure that the financial burden has been taken off, make sure that all your bills are paid and that none of the parties is waiting on any action or payment. Disputes over many unpaid finances are settled, and there can be a significant threat to the smooth functioning of the business. 

Main Procedure of Switching Accountant

Inform your current Accountant: Make sure to end things with your Accountant on good terms and let them understand that you are moving on. You will need to grant permission to speak to the new accountants to hand over the paperwork. It will make the entire procedure much more accessible. 

Disengagement Letter

Your current accountants need to provide the details of the completed work. It is also called the disengagement letter and a professional document.

Professional Clearance Letter

There are certain clearance things you must take care of. The new Accountant is also required to inform the previous Accountant. They will ask for professional clearance in the particular letter and request any relatable paperwork. 

Assign the leading Authority

At the last step, you need to give the Authority to the new accountants for carrying out the tax affairs, which signifies they can file returns on your behalf.

Why should you choose Us?

Are you in urgent need to switch accountants? Are you perplexed about how to choose and whether your choice to Change Accountants is the right decision for you? ACE Accountants are one of the most established Chartered Certified Accountants with a history of more than 12 years. Our professional team is renowned for their prompt communication and their swift action on any tasks required of them. So contact us today and let us guide you through the process with peace of mind.


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